🇫🇷 FRENCH TOUR WITH @ayronjonesmusic completed ✅ Thank you to every single person that came out and supported the shows!! Thank you to @ayronjonesmusic for having us along for the ride it was a pleasure to open for you and your amazing band. Thanks to @vicpaynephotos for teching, @duncrockphotographer for the photos and helping with the driving, @joshuaww95 AKA MERCH Man for his work & @charlietipler for doing the desk every night for us and Ayron. Thanks to Ghislain for his top tour managing skills and for being a great person. A legend!!Thank you @wallyvanmiddendorp for everything and helping our band grow and being an exceptional person who pushes us to work hard and be better!! France....Til the next time....😘🖤 📸 @duncrockphotographer @gdp.fr @indegoot @olivier_garnier91
